Tag Archives: Australian Labradoodle Advice

10 Simple Rules to a Better Dog

Firstly, the bad news
Generally, humans have no idea how to look after dogs. Generally most dogs have very bad manners,
and for a large number of reasons, humans let them get away with it. Generally, humans have no idea
how get good behavior from dogs and resort to inappropriate training mechanisms and violence.

But here’s the good news
Actually, getting the right behavior from dogs is very, very easy. Firstly, forget the cute idea they are
humans with furry coats. Dogs have their own specific needs, and are incapable of understanding
human society. In order to communicate effectively with your dog/s you need to really understand the
way they function, and how to get the best out of them. If you remove the confusion, and implement
good pack management techniques, your dog will be happy, and an absolute joy to live with.  I’ve got
my 10 simple rules listed below. All of my puppy people are now given this rule sheet and coached
through the rules. Regardless of your breed of dog, or where you got it from, following these simple
rules below will help you sort out your dog. These rules provide clear indication to the dog/s that you
are the pack manager, and this is the way your pack operates.

When your dog understands that they do not rule your house and its people, they will settle, become
less anxious, and lose a lot more undesirable behaviors resulting in significantly less barking, much
less jumping up, and other neurotic behavior.
Before you start any groovy training mechanism such as clicker training (which I completely
recommend), you need to get the basics right first. If you neglect to implement these basics, when you
come back to me later with your problem puppy/dog, we will firstly work at getting these rules right
first. Neglecting these rules will result in problem behavior for your dog, and big issues for you. I can
guarantee this.
For those of you new to the dog world, or if it’s been some time since you’ve had a dog, can I give the
following straightforward advice:

10 simple rules to a Better Dog

    1.        When you come home from work, totally ignore your dog for the first 5-10 minutes. Do not
    look at the dog. Do not blow kisses to the dog. Do not talk to the dog. Let me know if you need me
    to clarify this.

    2.        Do not make any big deal of comings or goings from your property

    3.        Always eat first, and feed the dogs after you have eaten. Do not feed your dog from the table.

    4.        You must, must, must go to basic obedience and socialization classes. These must be based
    on positive reward only.

    5.        Do not let your dog on your bed or on your couch. There is nothing wrong with restricting
    your dog from certain rooms in the house.

    6.        For 10 minute sessions at a time, put your dog in a crate and ignore them, or tie their leash
    to a post or similar for 10 minutes and ignore them. Do this at least 3 times weekly for the first 12
    weeks, and then every so often. Do not look at the dog. Do not blow kisses to the dog. Do not talk
    to the dog. Let me know if you need me to clarify this.

    7.        Exercise your dog every single day. They must have more than walking. Teaching them to
    retrieve is the absolute first “trick” you must teach. Then they can do lots of running, which they
    need to get every day.

    8.        Absolutely the dog is part of your family, but everyone else in your family must be higher in
    the pecking order than them (yes, even your partner must be higher than them!)

    9.        Do NOT carry your puppy or dog around.

    10.        Ensure all guests and family members follow all the rules as listed above.
    Now tick these off and let me know which ones you CAN’T or are NOT prepared to do, and we’ll
    problem solve those together.

    If anyone wants an example of badly behaved dogs, when you next visit me, I’ll take you to my
    friend’s place to show you what not to do.

Look, I don’t have it 100% right all the time either. But we’re getting there, and together we can learn.

Let’s work together to get well behaved dogs.

Importantly, you are the pack manager. Do not shirk this responsibility. If you don’t take on this
responsibility, your dog will, and then you will have the consequences of effectively what can only be
referred to as “neglect”. It is never too late to implement these techniques. Remember, your dog is part
of a general society. Badly behaved dogs reflect badly on you, the dogs, and the breed in general. Too
many breeds have bad reputations only because of their incompetent handling.

This also means if you are a breeder, of any breed, you have an inherent responsibility to ensure your
puppy people know how to get appropriate dog behavior.

How Do I Find the Time?

Ok, so you’ve read the information above, and you’re not quite convinced. I know you won’t be. I
wasn’t either. I have done a lot of reading, and tried a whole lot of different approaches. I have a large
pack of dogs, and at times, with puppies, can have a large number of dogs in my pack.

You’re probably going to say, “Well I don’t have the time to do this”.

Tip: Give up watching TV and the playstation, and you’ll have a lot more time.

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Filed under Dog Training and Breeding